
De novo footprints identified in individual biosamples. This supertrack contains:

Display and configuration conventions

Per-nucleotide cleavage data is displayed as an overlay track -- observed cleavage counts are shown in blue and expected cleavabe counts are shown in yellow. The cleavage counts are not normalized (raw) to sequencing depth and the viewing limits may needed to be adjusted on a sample-by-sample and/or region-by-region basis.

Data availability

Footprint data is publically available at or ZENODO (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3603548).

Code and documentation available at GitHub and Read the docs.


This work was supported by NHGRI grant U54HG007010.

Please direct any questions/comments/inquiries to Jeff Vierstra (


If you uses these data in your research, please cite:

Vierstra J et al.. Global reference mapping and dynamics of human transcription factor footprints. (2020) bioRxiv.